Monday, August 22, 2016

The Countdown Begins!

Well! The time has come. 5 weeks until I come home!

I am so grateful for my mission and the time that I have had to be consecrated to the Lord. But I am also looking forward to the next steps in life. The mission is hard but it is the greatest thing that has happened to me.

Now don't be sending a whole bunch a trunky jokes on me. I won't be packing my bags until the Sunday before I leave. I've already promised that!

My emails will be pretty short from here on out because I want to focus on the work as much as possible and I will be seeing all of you soon and I am so excited for that!

I love you all!


Hermana Voss

Monday, August 15, 2016


GOOD NEWS! I'M STAYING IN VAIL! Sister Young and I get to be together for another transfer. This place is the celestial kingdom. We are working hard and seeing miracles that can ONLY com from the Lord! I feel so honored to be a small part of this work.

In other news. We had to go get our car fixed up due to some poor decisions made by other missionaries. So, we were without a car for 4 days. Now for those of you who served "harder missions" I know you probably had it worse or whatever. But for us. We have MOUNTAINS and our area is HUGE. So, this week we rode on bikes. And one day we rode 25miles total in the POURING RAIN. It was insane! But so much fun. However, we are glad to have our car back! Hallelujah!

Have a good week everyone. I love you!


Hermana Voss

1) We went to a dance festival here in Vail. It was amazing! A couple of the dancers were members so we got to visit with them at church. This is a picture of us with the Webbs. They are fantastic!
2) Biking in the rain. We were HIGHLY unprepared for the day
3) We ended our sweets fast! So we celebrated with Donuts!

1) More Dance Festival fun!
2)District Picture. I love these missionaries!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Good Afternoon!

Hello Everyone!

     Wow! What a crazy few weeks this has been. We have been greatly enjoying the Lord's creation out here. Last night we saw a skunk about 5ft away from us...... Never again.

    As for the work. Things are booming! The ward here is on fire with the work and Sister Young and I are finding the elect. This place is the PROMISED LAND!

    I have never been so tired and never been so happy all at once. The light we get to see when people start to fall in love with the Savior is the greatest experience I could ever witness. I feel so privileged to be a small part of this work. I seem to be the one to have benefited the most from missionary service. How is that possible?

    Gotta run! I love you all and hope you are doing well! Thanks for all of your love and support!


Hermana Voss

1)But first let me take a selfie at Holy Cross! It was BEAUTIFUL!
2) Mango on a stick with lime and chili. It's the little things
3) Love the views!
4) Lunch time 
5) After the hike. Our legs were KILLING US the following day!

3rd pic is with our bishop! Bishop Webb :)

Monday, August 1, 2016

I'm Alive!

I promise I'm alive. We are just SO SO SO SO busy and we have been enjoying the beautiful hikes around here. I will have more to report next week. We are going to hike Holy Cross today. My legs will be screaming tomorrow but I don't even care!

The Church is true, the book is blue! How's that for profound doctrine?

Hermana Voss

1) Some Vail scenery!
2) Cleaning out the baptismal font...... There was a colony of bugs I swear. And their resistance leader was a spider. Needless to say we washed the resistance down the drain.